Come and see
"You will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:30
The Chapel of All Saints is a congregation in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT) that meets on Sundays at 9am at Trinity Retreat Center Chapel in West Cornwall, CT. Coffee hour follows the service most Sundays.
We have found that our daily lives are better, our relationships are more fulfilled, and we feel more peaceful when we pray, meditate and gather together.
If that sounds inviting, Come and See.
We invite you to join us in the celebration of God’s love, which unites us, binds us, guides us and offers us a clear-eyed optimism.
Click here for directions.
Our Location
We gather at the Trinity Retreat Center Chapel, located at 79 Lower River Road in West Cornwall, CT by the Housatonic River.
Click here for directions.